Smart Machines and Structures was established in the year 2016 with the aim of providing products and solutions based on vibration analysis based condition and health monitoring of machines and structures. The company has since diversified into developing turn-key solutions for Machine Learning based predictive maintenance, Industrial Internet of Things (Industry 4.0) for Manufacturing and Process Industries. We have executed projects on Predictive Maintenance for the Aviation Industry and AR/VR based condition based monitoring of mechanical equipment. We also offer trainings for professionals.


To be the vanguard of transforming latest developments in science and technology into industrial solutions for enhancing productivity and ensuring sustainability


Offer state-of-the-art solutions, customized for user specific requirements, to improve the performance of industrial assets in terms of serviceability, operational efficiency, productivity and product quality.

Core Values

  • Diligence
  • Equity
  • Transparency
  • Humanism